Monday 15 December 2008

2.3 The production and post production Diary

The Filming
The production during my filming time was simple.
I found it basic as I only had two locations during this video.
My first was in the countryside which was at times more difficult than my second location but this was due to weather.
I did find it hard using the zooming at times because when the tripod was not steady some problems did occur but nothing that major.
In my second location in Crawley town. I had no worries with the actual camera work whilst filming because it wasn’t busy. But I had to change location because I needed to see a lot of cars and traffic this was easy as I didn’t have to travel too far.
In all the production during filming went very well.

The Editing
The editing began slowly and worked its way up.
At first I found it difficult at times.
The uploading process was fine ad importing to the i-movie file.
But when it actually came to editing my work together there was some stress in to finding out what was the correct tools I wanted to use.
Obviously for my piece I didn’t need to upload a soundtrack so that made things easier.
It became easier when I realised what I could do with the video to change things. Which I went in to mix the sounds into other scenes. For example I had the sound of cars in the countryside and silence with a dogs lead edited into the town.
The editing was a fun and enjoyable process.

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