Tuesday 16 December 2008

My Photos for my experimental video that i took at my exhibition.

Monday 15 December 2008

Task 4- Final Evaluation

My work has taken its time to do but in all I am pleased with the video.

Before I began the filming it was the pre- production.
In which I was preparing all the paper work for the time I would be filming.
This is an extremely important process especially when you have to fill out health and safety hazard forms. This was the most important information needed. I didn’t have actors in my video so it was not as bad as some of the others would have had. The only problem that could have occurred would be members of the public getting in the way.

When I began the filming I did it in two different locations.
My first location was in the countryside which was at times difficult because of weather conditions. But I feel the filming its self was very good and I enjoyed creating shots. For one particular scene, the first a view of the countryside on a hill was the most difficult it took 5-6 takes until I felt I had got a good shot. Judging and wanting to change from the start I feel is a good thing. Because you can not tell if it could have been better and if there was anything you could have added?
My second location was in Crawley town which at first was a bit of a problem. Because I wanted to film lots of cars and noise of traffic but where I was filming nothing was happening so I had to change location. This wasn’t hard because not far there was a set of traffic lights with lots of traffic coming by. So I managed to set up there and I got my favourite takes in a few shots. This I was happy with.

When it came to the editing process at first I thought it was difficult.
Once I had imported my video to I- Movie it became slightly difficult.
I became annoyed with how basic my work was and didn’t know what to add to it?
Once I became more happy with the tools you can use on the file it became easier. I started to add in titles over the work. Also at times during the work you will notice I have used faders when going from one scene to another and when it finishes I fade it out. At the end I was happy with the editing. When I created my DVD Menu it was simple add I liked it. Transferring it from the computer to DVD went well and was ready for showing.

My exhibition had some issues. It was shown on a portable DVD Player in the memorial gardens in Crawley. But due to it being a very cold day it had its difficulties. The table I showed it one was frozen so I had to place the DVD Player on a folder. The viewers were watching it standing and done so two at a time. Then they filled out the questionnaires.
In the end I was slightly disappointed with the exhibition and it could have gone a lot better.

In final words the work was a good start to my first real project. I hope my viewers felt it was experimental?

2.3 The production and post production Diary

The Filming
The production during my filming time was simple.
I found it basic as I only had two locations during this video.
My first was in the countryside which was at times more difficult than my second location but this was due to weather.
I did find it hard using the zooming at times because when the tripod was not steady some problems did occur but nothing that major.
In my second location in Crawley town. I had no worries with the actual camera work whilst filming because it wasn’t busy. But I had to change location because I needed to see a lot of cars and traffic this was easy as I didn’t have to travel too far.
In all the production during filming went very well.

The Editing
The editing began slowly and worked its way up.
At first I found it difficult at times.
The uploading process was fine ad importing to the i-movie file.
But when it actually came to editing my work together there was some stress in to finding out what was the correct tools I wanted to use.
Obviously for my piece I didn’t need to upload a soundtrack so that made things easier.
It became easier when I realised what I could do with the video to change things. Which I went in to mix the sounds into other scenes. For example I had the sound of cars in the countryside and silence with a dogs lead edited into the town.
The editing was a fun and enjoyable process.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Task 2.2 Exibition plan

These are the questions that will be asked to the viewers of my experimental video:
The first 4 questions are simple yes or no answers. The 5th is to give their own personal views on the work.
1. Did you notice the change in sounds?
2. Is the length of the movie to your satisfaction?
3. Is their a part of the movie you didn't enjoy?
4. Did the movie change your views on noise?
5. In as much detail as you would like please give your views on my experimental video?

Task 2.2 Exhibition plan

My exhibition will be viewed to the public in Crawley town.
It goes well with my video because it is based on noises and Crawley generally a noisy place.
It will be in the morning. I will be showing it on a laptop/Portable DVD Player.
With a small group of people that would be interested in watching it.
The exact time will be on Wednesday 10th December between 9am-10.30am in the memorial gardens of Crawley Town.