Tuesday 18 November 2008


The videos we watched all have a narrative structure, some we saw are more obvious than other ones, 1001 nights this one has no traditional structure, there are just five short stories told by women, the film doesn’t have a begging, middle, and end so it does not matter what order it goes in the meaning does will not change the coordination.

Koyaanisqatsi at the beginning has cave drawings with calm music, we see an arial view of the planet, so it must have been taken from a helicopter. The middle of the film shows everyone at work, but the creator has fast forward this part to make it look like, the world is rushing around, then in the film there’s this slow explosion which is supposed to be a conclusion of how this world will end, then slowly goes back to the caves, to end the film. This particular film will come into the consideration of concept.

Telling lies beginning starts as he pick the phone up, the middle is all the swearing in the conversations, they change tones of there voices throughout the story, which was about what happened last night, the ending you have a phone call from his mum shouting at him down the phone. every audience will understand this film as it has a traditional narrative.

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