Tuesday 18 November 2008


Chris Gilbert

5 mins max


countryside noise and town noise

Anyone who lives in the countryside like the older generation and in the town so the younger generation

Noises from the country side and the town the differences between the two

There are no characters

Film review sheet

Name………. Chris Gilbert
Date………… 17/10/08
Name of film… Don’t Panic
Name of creator or films artist…… Chris Gilbert
Duration… 3-5mins

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)The visual images in my video will show different shots from in busy places to not so busy places. It will partly be in the country side and some of it in the town. I may not need actors in my piece as the premise of it is just the noise that we have around us.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)I mite be using a soundtrack in the video. It is not decided yet. But it will not be a major part of the work.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?The premise of the video is to show the noises that are in the world today. The noises in a big town/city with all the pollution. Then the flip side of it is to see if the countryside is any different to noise in a busy town. The whole premise is just to look at how the world we live in, no matter where you are we will still have noise around us.


Koyaanisqatsi had the same reaction from most people it showed that how a movie can have a massive budget without any actors. It like me may have inspired many in the class to use in their own work. The Girl Chewing Gum was confusing for a lot of the class in the way it began and ended up in the end. This i know has inspired a few people in the group. With Girsele Keronze this created the biggest reaction within the class because for some it was creepy and some it was a laugh.But in all it does matter what the audience interpretation is because if know one had any views on the videos it would not create any interest in making their own pieces of work. These videos including others are important because it helps you to see different artist’s views on what they are looking at and will show the audience what the project is about.


The videos i have viewed are going to help with my own work. Because before now i didn't really have an opinion on experimental videos.Koyaanisqatsi in particular is helping me think about what my piece can be about. Obviously i will not have a budget like it but i would like to try something similar in its style.


After visiting the Tate Modern Art Gallery i have a better view on how you can show your work in a different kind of space.The most stand out piece of work i saw in there was the first thing that i saw. As you walk into this massive room you can see a viewing of space.The work is of Dominique Gonzalez the first thing you see inside the massive room is a gigantic spider it creates a good feel of space as you get different styles the spider and a dinosaur takes a heck of a lot of room in the space. Also the bunk beds placed all around the room makes you feel crammed in and has a different feel to the major works.


The videos we watched all have a narrative structure, some we saw are more obvious than other ones, 1001 nights this one has no traditional structure, there are just five short stories told by women, the film doesn’t have a begging, middle, and end so it does not matter what order it goes in the meaning does will not change the coordination.

Koyaanisqatsi at the beginning has cave drawings with calm music, we see an arial view of the planet, so it must have been taken from a helicopter. The middle of the film shows everyone at work, but the creator has fast forward this part to make it look like, the world is rushing around, then in the film there’s this slow explosion which is supposed to be a conclusion of how this world will end, then slowly goes back to the caves, to end the film. This particular film will come into the consideration of concept.

Telling lies beginning starts as he pick the phone up, the middle is all the swearing in the conversations, they change tones of there voices throughout the story, which was about what happened last night, the ending you have a phone call from his mum shouting at him down the phone. every audience will understand this film as it has a traditional narrative.