Tuesday 14 October 2008


The technologies used in these movies are mostly different in each one. If you look at the girl chewing gum and Koyaanisqatsi these could not be more different. Koyannisqatsi had a massive budget in the late 80s where they were able to use the very best in technology they could use.

In the 1970s John Smith's piece was very much used without much technology at all. He just had a basic camera and went straight to work on what he wanted to do.

Girsele Keronze on the other hand had some brilliant special effects and Jan Kaunen could use C.G.I. in his work with work being sped up. Where as the other works were focussed on everything this had close- up shots on characters.

These works all link in together, although they were created in different decades they all link in with very similar ideas.


The 3 videos i have chosen to look at are Koyaanisqatsi directed by the famous Godfery Reggio. The second one is The Girl Chewing Gum directed by John Smith. The other movie is an extremely strange piece by Jan Kaunen called Girsele Keronze.
These movies relate to one another even though they are directed in completely different years. They all begin by making you the viewer try to work out what is going on in the movie. As each piece moves on you realise what is happening.

In Koyaanisqatsi it shows many different experimental art works when it was created in 1986 with the complete idea behind the movie is to show you what it is like in the world we live in with no plot.

When you look at the girl chewing gum it shows you although it did not have a huge budget it creates an interesting style of work with the use of close-up angles making the work more interesting to view. The premise of the work is to show you that although it appears something is going on it is just everyday life. The voiceover creates an effect.

Girsele Keronze was an odd piece but it does use great amounts of colour the sound effects added in are not realistic but it makes the video a comedy piece of work. The main premise is showing a broomstick race between two strange looking witches to drive the audience into a comedy video.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Girsele Kerozene

Jan Kaunen created this strange movie which runs for approximatley 5 minutes.
It is based around a race between two witches one is trying to catch the other for doing something wrong its movement is very fast which deffintley shows that it is a craft direction alot of good special effects in this movie and creates an effect in the way that everything is speeded up.
The noises that were added in were very different with the engine going whilst on broomsticks adds comedy to the movie.
In all it is a very entetaining creation by Jan.
The colour does also add somthing to make it look more modern and at some points graphic.

The Girl Chewing Gum

This is a very old fasioned piece created in 1976 directed by John Smith it is 9 minutes long.
The entire movie is in black and white and it plays with your mind in making you think that John is directing people on the street. He is actually filming fom a distance and it is just people walking the streets. There are lots of different activities taking place. The main difference is that it appears a burgular alarm is going in the town but it is also going off in a field so it has been added which makes this piece non-diagetic. There is a lot of concept to this film and is researching lots of different ideas.

Koyaanisqatsi (Life Out Of Balance)

This full length movie is 80minutes created by Godefry Reggio with a massive budget.
The movie was created in 1982 and the music was done by Phillip Glass.
The images in this piece show the world we live in. But when it shows fire it plays with your mind as to what this is. Howether shortly after it lets you know that it is a rocket done in close-up shots which later explodes. Different kinds of music are used for each scene as the scenes get faster the music dramatically changes.
The Koyaanisqatsi experience is very much non-diagetic.
With no people talking in the whole of the movie creates something completely different to what we are all used to.
It is really about the world we live in and what can go wrong.

Task A

1001 Nights is another experimental movie we watched. It was directed by Joanne Al - Ani the piece lasts for approximatley 6 minutes.
The video begins with a black background and 5 women spread out with their eyes closed.
One by one the lady's eyes would open and they would express their feelings on war or maybe their own personal experiences. The point is there is no right or wrong in this piece.
The general premise of this piece is about war and what you can picture of it.
It really adds somthing special because it does not have soundtrack which suites it.
It is a context video trying to show you many points of view on war.

Telling Lies

Telling Lies is a experimental video created by Simon Ellis its running time is 4 minutes.
This is one extraordinary piece of work which looks at the aftermath of the night before.
The piece is very much a craft creation with fantastic use of digital audio the piece is a mixture of diegetic and non diegetic deffintley with its audio masterpiece works.
As you hear the phone conversation taking place every word from the conversation appears on the screen it creates an image as though you are part of the conversation.
If any foul language is said they may occasionaly change the text to make it look explicit.
When the phone rings you know straight away that someone is about to recieve a phone call and it has been edited in to add the sound of a phone ringing.
The premise of this piece is to show the emotions one lad has gone through the night before were he supposably cheated on his girlfriend. The conversation goes round to so many different people and creates an argument not just one to one but the guys mother gets involved and some of his friends. But it doesn't end up well for the lad as his girlfriend gives up on him and the lady doesn't want him either.